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Who can I contact for help?

Below is a list of common topics and the relevant Digidentity department to contact. If you are unsure which is the best department for your question, please contact Digidentity's SERMI Project Manager.

Topics Digidentity department
NDA agreements, scheme regulations SERMI project manager
OAuth client credentials, API troubleshooting Implementation team
CAB invitations, test account registration Customer Success team

Please note: Our implementation team can assist you with communications between the RMI portal and the Digidentity platform, but cannot provide assistance with application-side issues.

What features will not be available in the MVP?

  • IO selection screen (where mechanics working for multiple workshops can select the relevant IO to log into)
  • VAT/LEI number verification

Where can I find more information about OAuth client credentials?

General information about OAuth client IDs and secrets can be found at

Why do some scopes from Digidentity's API specification return no user details?

As part of SERMI scheme requirements, Digidentity may not process user personal information. For this reason, only UID attributes may be retrieved via the user_info endpoint when logging into an RMI Portal. Further scopes (eg profile/email/address/company/phone) are disabled in this context.

When can we move to production?

Once you are satisfied with your results in the pre-production environment, please contact our SERMI project manager to notify them that you are ready to move to production.

Once all relevant documentation has been organised and the required UAT has been performed by our Customer Success department, our implementation team will provide you with the necessary production credentials.

Further resources

Page Description
SERMI landing page Digidentity's hub for all things SERMI
SERMI FAQs General FAQs for CABs, VMs, and employees regarding Digidentity's SERMI Trust Centre
SERMI scheme Official SERMI website containg scheme regulations and overviews